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Whiskey + Breaking Dawn

Who all attended this weekend???

Did you sit, with bated breath at the wedding of Isabella Marie Swan to Edward Anthony Masen Cullen?? I know we did!! Wasn’t she beautiful? The dress was gorgeous in the back, the front could go both ways - in my opinion. Lol. But, seriously.. That is why I am glad I packed a Twilight Emergency Kit (TEK) in my big Coach tote before leaving for the theater; loaded with tons of tissue, Dum-Dums, and whiskey. ((:

Yea, it’s no secret to anyone who knows me - I’ll gladly shout it from the rooftops, too. I LOVE WHISKEY. I know my boy, Jackson would concur. xP It’s not like the theater doesn’t serve alcohol, but they charge an arm and a leg for it and, on top of that, its liquor-FLAVORED wine-based concoctions, blahh.. I couldn’t be having none of that business to celebrate something such as this. I blame Alice. x)

So there we sat, my cousin (we’ll call her, LuvHair, for the sake of this blog - until I have a better Tumblr name for her) & I, in the back row (to the right), at the perfect angle, great view - other than the idiot waiters lingering in the aisles every now and again.. lingerers, man, LINGERERS!! xD I cried - because, well I always cry at weddings - and decided I needed to pull out the whiskey when the honeymoon came around. wiggles eyebrows XD I am, however, a little upset with Robert Pattinson; when the cast of Twilight was on the Ellen DeGeneres show he said his butt cheek shows during the baby makin’ scene, yet I saw no RPattz derrière. I’m no perv, but it’s a little incentive to putting up with Kristen Stewart’s shotty acting as Bella. ;) Juuust kiddinggg - sorta. Ha!

I really was on the edge of my seat the entire time, though, and extremely pouty when I realized LuvHair & I had long since used up all the whiskey I had stowed away for our massive journey into The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. Haha. Hollywood (friend formally known as, Spencer Pratt in a previous Tumblr entry) calls me a, “Twilight faggot,” on Twitter (blushes) and I love it because I have such a massive TwiHardon for all things Twilight its unreal; yet when it comes to the actors themselves its ‘Mehh..’ - haha - they’re just people, like you and me.. We just wanna fuck em (pardon my being crude) cos we have gotten to see em on the big screen. But that topic is an entirely different blog, though - stay tuned. ;)

Back to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 & my whiskey-loss whiskeylust.. By the time the end credits hit I had cried a countless number of times - yes, I used up all my tissues. The movie is an emotional charge; it’s the only way to explain it, really! I was ready to cry, sing, yell, punch babies, kick doors - I was pumped!! Ahhh!! I mean, needless to say - really - one hundred & eighteen minutes later (and, one LARGE half-&-half cocktail later) my heart is threatening to erupt from my chest - I can only hope Papa C (or Jasper, preferably) is around to save me - as I borrow a move from Bella by chewing on my lip, I bounced my knee through the final credits; LuvHair & I talk about the movie as people push their way out and then.. I am presented on the screen before me with Caius, Marcus & the back of some woman’s head - a dumb bitch stops in the middle of the aisle!! x(

Oh, hell nah! - I have not waited 3 years.. the last 2 weeks with my advance tickets.. PLUS this past week in anticipation since Papa C (Peter Facinelli) tweeted about the extra scene for some woman to park her big head in front of the screen.. My TwiHardon had been growing for months and getting harder by the second the closer to the day we got; waiting for showtime (10pm) Saturday night it was white hot fire, I tell you. This woman was going down, either willingly.. Or forcefully.

“Are you serious, lady?! There are still people behind you,” I hollered loud enough for her to hear, but not too loud - I may be aggitated, but I’m not going to ruin the ending of the movie for my fellow TwiHards. That did it though, she turned and looked our way before, quickly, sitting down in an empty seat two rows in front of us. LuvHair, quickly started laughing, but I had already forgotten about the dumb woman - I was already entranced, hanging on to Aro’s every word.. Eekkk! Until November 16, 2012 my dear Cullens..

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We finished the night with Taco Bell. It’s the first time I’ve eaten there in a year, literally; I was, still, unimpressed. The menu was smaller than a year ago but sure as hell was more expensive, funny how that works out - huh? LuvHair says I gotta give it one more chance at a different location, one by her place of business; yea, if she buys. Ha!

Before I leave this, though.. I must dip in to our psyches a bit - it still pertains to the topic above. See, I dislike Kristen Stewart; I am no KStew fan, at all. I do not think she’s right for Bella, I tolerate her because I have no choice. ;) She irritates me, she’s too nervous; too jittery, in her interviews. Her facial expressions, her look - she’s just plain as a person, and awKward with a capital K as an actress. Period. Those are my personal OPINIONS, though, NOT my judgements. However.. When I saw the trailer (did you see this coming?) for Snow White and the Huntsman I was floored. I was absolutely taken abake. At first when I saw Charlize Theron I was giddy and thinking, ’What is this?’ It started to dawn on LuvHair, first, and she mentioned it and I said, “Yes I see it now,” and then ¡POW! Right in the kisser, they hit me with the KStew.. and I was speechless. I knew right away that no one, absolutely no one, could’ve been casted better than her; I cannot wait until June 1, 2012. Even, then, though.. I must admit, before that, though - biiig sigh -on the Ellen DeGeneres show when all of the Twilight cast was on it, her nervous ticks still annoyed me but not so much as usual.. I even kinda listened when she talked this time. Is it just that I’ve gotten used to her due to Twilight or has she actually grown on me..? #SWATH

Oh my.. I need a shot of whiskey - Jackson, you down? Ahahahahahaha!
