June 15, 2014

Negativland, “The Letter U And The Numeral 2”

A song that samples parodies of U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” as well as the original, but, more notably, a legendarily profane blowup by Casey Kasem during a frustrating rehearsal.  He was, by all accounts, a pro, and, as you’ll hear, he and the people around him may not have been on the same page.

Mr. Kasem passed away today after an extended, debilitating illness.  I listened to American Top 40 for a few years, both in the U.S. and overseas via American Forces Radio and Television Service.  His voice was utterly unmistakeable, and it served his purpose admirably.  A familiar, comforting guide through the charts, threading together songs of widely varying quality with factoids, anecdotes and Long-Distance Dedications™.

I always liked his sign-off–“Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."  I don’t know if he wrote it or found it somewhere, but it had a sincerity to it that was a nice upbeat segue out of his show.

Plus, he was the voice of Shaggy on Scooby-Doo, so that was another flock of hours in my ears during those key developing years.


via MeFi

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