Little Things from Japan

let me show you what i see through the lens day to day

  1. kellythepsycho reblogged this from kumako365jp
  2. ensan5t reblogged this from kumako365jp and added:
    うちでも四角豆 畑に3つです^^
  3. imtellingben said: I have never seen these in the U.S.
  4. kacsa reblogged this from kumako365jp and added:
    wait whaaa???
  5. mojomcjones said: I have never seen those. It’s interesting to see our vegetable variations.
  6. wildnotebook said: It is popular in my country. :D We call it ‘kacang botol’ or literally means 'bottle nuts’. lol
  7. m-a-s-h-i-m-a-r-o reblogged this from kumako365jp
  8. maybethings said: Oh hey, four angled beans!
  9. kumako365jp posted this