Little Things from Japan

let me show you what i see through the lens day to day

15 notes

rainaholic asked:
“ Your blogs are magnificent. I wish I could visit Japan someday and your blog makes me feel like I do visit it a little bit once in a while now. ”
Thank you for your compliment:)
Oh yes, I hope you feel somewhat familiar with the...

rainaholic asked:

Your blogs are magnificent. I wish I could visit Japan someday and your blog makes me feel like I do visit it a little bit once in a while now.

Thank you for your compliment:)

Oh yes, I hope you feel somewhat familiar with the general sights of Japanese cities when you actually visit here sometime in the future! It’s nice, isn’t it?:D

Well, from my experience, it seems many foreign tourists wonder why we have few public dust bins on the street. If you think it inconvenient while you are visiting Japan, just remember to try convenience stores. They have dust bins, often outside the shop:)

Filed under Japan travel tourists convenience store

  1. ameratesutsuru said: I feel much the same way, like your journal gives me little glimpses as if I am in japan for a few minutes a day ^^
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