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Be Free, Lance: Should I Freelance?

Should I go freelance? That’s the ( BIG ) question of the day! Choosing to work for yourself is both a scary and exhilarating adventure. And in all honesty, it’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll make. But don’t worry, us freelancers are in this terrifying/happy boat together. You are not / will not be alone. And guess what?? It also happens to be one of the most rewarding experiences. True story.
To help answer the big question, I thought I’d walk you all through some natural steps :
1. THE ITCH / Some people know from the beginning that they want to be entrepreneurs and do their own thing, while others figure it out later … but they all share one thing in common: the itch. The feeling of creating something bigger than yourself, doing what you love, being your own boss, and truly living out your passion. If you’re not happy with where your career is at, then it’s time to start taking little steps forward. If the thought of freelancing has even crossed your mind, then yes, you should definitely start considering it. Just thinking about it doesn’t mean your life will change in an instant - just take it easy!
2. IS IT FEASIBLE? / So you have the itch, huh?? The next step is to think about logistics. Yeah, it’s not fun, but you need to figure out if freelancing is even possible. I’m talking about finances, space, family, and other details. Although many people take risks, it’s definitely nice to know that you do have a comfortable amount of money backing you up. Remember, freelance does not guarantee a certain income. In fact, you won’t know exactly what you’re making until a full year is passed. You’ll have supplies, space, and taxes to take into account as well. Don’t worry, I’ll talk more in depth about finances and supplies at a later date! Just know that it’s important to look at the big picture - money wise. Make sure you’re comfortable.
3. WORK ETHIC / This is a biggie ( and is kind of hard for me to say ) : freelancing is not for everyone. You have to be able to set rules for yourself and STICK with it. The first year will be full of 15+ hour work days, coffee, chaos, and big changes. The other side of all of that is good, I promise! But you have to be able to get through it, no matter what.
4. KEEP GOING / Never forget why you’re doing what you’re doing. Good days come. Bad days go. One things for certain, it’ll be a roller coaster ride. Ben, the co-founder of pinterest, said it well in his speech at ALT summit this year about being absolutely terrified and joyful all at the same time. No matter what, keep on swimming.
I know I didn't necessarily tell you “yes” or “no” to the freelance or not question, but in the end, it’s your decision! Give these steps a serious read through and see what your gut tells you. Sometimes you just gotta take the dive! 
IMAGE SOURCE #1 : olive and joy

Written by Breanna Rose.

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    I am a freelance fashion designer, and when I saw this I knew I had to share, as its 100% true!
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