My pleasant "good morning"

84,350 notes

“ vinigri:
“ xdaringdamselx:
“ terezi-pie-rope:
“ [homestucks nodding as they reblog]
I swear I’ve never seen a fandom as chill about hate as Homestuck. Someone goes “HOMESTUCK SUCKS BLUH BLUH” and the Homestuck it’s directed at...





[homestucks nodding as they reblog]

I swear I’ve never seen a fandom as chill about hate as Homestuck. Someone goes “HOMESTUCK SUCKS BLUH BLUH” and the Homestuck it’s directed at will just high-five them and go “DAMN STRAIGHT LOOK AT THIS BULLSHIT”

I’m actually pretty sure it was a homestuck who made this post

its funny to me because Homestuck is the most complex and deep and heart-wrenching story ive ever read but if you insult Homestuck i and every other person in this fandom will just agree without a second thought

(via signalfirefly)

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