My pleasant "good morning"

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i know you guys are done with ferguson news because its not “”“”trendy”“”” anymore but an eight year old child was hit with tear gas

why does no one on this site know how to post news

instead of trying to take jabs at people and going “i’m the only one who cares look at this” just post the fucking news and tell everyone what’s going on

how do y’all make some of the simplest shit so mean-spirited


This is a url to the st Louis food bank website. You can send them money to help feed people in Ferguson who are dealing with the current crisis.

**** now to my response to the OP

Cool. I’m sure the eight year old feels better now that their injury is being used to score cheap points on tumblr.

Ps: many of us are following the news, but are also currently AWAY FROM AMERICA and not convinced that reblogging is actually helping the black community in Ferguson. I’m aware. It sucks. I reblog some, but my followers are also already aware and watching… So…

Like hit me up with actual requests by people in Ferguson for help, or actions that actually involve helping to dismantle institutionalized racism, and police brutality, but frankly unless it’s an actual action I can take, my reblogs are more for my own “yes this” than any usefulness.

But otherwise, I mean, good job, OP, it’s great to use the pain of strangers to bludgeon people sympathetic to their plight for not passing around enough links that may or may not be accurate. A+.

(via signalfirefly)

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