Happy customer! Nami’s produce box consisted of lettuce, purslane, green onions, mizuna, kale, tomatoes, and shiso. #okofarms #moorestfarm #aquaponics #urbanfarm #brooklyn

Happy customer! Nami’s produce box consisted of lettuce, purslane, green onions, mizuna, kale, tomatoes, and shiso. #okofarms #moorestfarm #aquaponics #urbanfarm #brooklyn

  1. rmarioth reblogged this from moorestreetfarm
  2. livingwind-blog said: Cute customer :)
  3. mssensible-blog-blog reblogged this from moorestreetfarm and added:
    Nice, very!
  4. leglobe-trotter reblogged this from moorestreetfarm
  5. moorestreetfarm posted this