March 28, 2014


I’m stuck here. If i dare to dream big, people tend to tell me to wake up because ‘there are no pleasant jobs’. So is that what life is all about? Doing something you dont like doing in order to make some money? Im comitting mental suicide every day. What if i chase my dream and fail? Thats what scares me most: knowing you were born, destined to be average.

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  8. serasphere said: but you can also just do what you love and be happy. happiness is a decision, nothing can make you feel inferior without your consent hey. take the risk of doing what you love and living life outside of the box that people have created for themselves
  9. lucid-dreamsx reblogged this from mchlptrs
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  12. when-the-world-is-dead reblogged this from mchlptrs
  13. searchingformystyle reblogged this from mchlptrs and added:
    Thank you.
  14. like-foldspaper-blog said: *a world without the dollar bill*
  15. k9b reblogged this from mchlptrs
  16. carpefukndiem said: But it’s your job to make life special, to break the chain of ordinary and chase those dreams
  17. gata-chata reblogged this from mchlptrs and added:
    you’ve just described the main thing thats been consuming my thoughts for the past months.
  18. mchlptrs posted this