September 2, 2014

But then, the truth was never really the point. Thin women don’t tell their fat friends ‘You’re not fat’ because they’re confused about the dictionary definition of the word, or their eyes are broken, or they were raised on planets where size 24 is the average for women. They don’t say it because it’s the truth. They say it because fat does not mean just fat in this culture. It can also mean any or all of the following:

Socially inept
Just plain icky

So when they say ‘You’re not fat,’ what they really mean is ‘You’re not a dozen nasty things I associate with the word fat.’ The size of your body is not what’s in question; a tape measure or a mirror could solve that dispute. What’s in question is your goodness, your lovability, your intelligence, your kindness, your attractiveness. And your friends, not surprisingly, are inclined to believe you get high marks in all those categories. Ergo, you couldn’t possibly be fat.


Kate Harding (via rhiannon-random)

another example of thin privilege, your body type doesn’t carry these negative synonyms

(via fatcatsandcurls)

Boy howdy it sure is frustrating when I say “It’s hard for me to find cool clothes on the rack in sizes that fit me” and my very slim friends say “Oh shut up it is not” It’s like, Wow, that is fascinating, I had no idea you had more experience shopping for my body than I do! Like, all these negative terms are so intrinsically associated with heavyset bodies that my small friends tell me I’m wrong when I say it’s difficult shopping in trendy boutiques where 80% of the stuff on the racks in a size 4, because they get the idea that that pretending I have the ability to squeeze into tiny clothes for tiny people will make me feel better about myself.

(via coelasquid)

this is actually something i’ve tried to convey to a friend with body image issues but i haven’t been able to put it in words so well. this is so true. 

(via eirenisreblogs)

(via dukeofmarlborough)

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