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    I need this kit.

    Cipo rocking the UCI Coupe du Monde with a matchy/remix Aqua & Sapone kit. And that hairnet. So class.

    (via 8823dsn)


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    5. velominati reblogged this from cycleboredom and added:
      Mario invented overmatched kit and made it look incredible. Its kind of like having your mind blown the first time you...
    6. galinette reblogged this from cycleboredom and added:
      This is a thing of such beauty! I would totally rock that kit on my daily commute, I think. I already rock the bright...
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    10. cycleboredom reblogged this from 8823dsn and added:
      Cipo rocking the UCI Coupe du Monde with a matchy/remix Aqua & Sapone kit. And that hairnet. So class.
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