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To anyone who believs Aywas is unfair to nonartists

With the latest Aywas art contests I feel like I’ve been seeing more and more of this sentiment lately. You know the idea that Aywas is unfair to nonartists or something. So to anyone who truly believes Aywas rewards artists too much, I want to remind you of a few points:

1. No one is forcing you to be a “non-artist”. People are not either born with art skills or not born with art skills. Many of the great artists on Aywas only became good artists because Aywas encouraged them to get better at art! If you truly believed Aywas was disproportionately unfair in favor of artists, you would be willing to work to become an artist yourself to take advantage of this disproportionate favoritism. ;)

2. By design, art is one of the greatest assets on Aywas, so it makes sense to reward the artists who make it! Without the lovely user artists on Aywas, we wouldn’t have Teos, breeding, lovely custom designs, or even most of our site pets to begin with! So if you enjoy that pretty Melo of yours with flawless edits, then understand that is a GOOD thing that Aywas gives artists a reason to stick around and keep their art skills sharp.

3. Riding on the last point, Aywas is a unique game where art is one of the core gameplay mechanics. In a game like Tetris or Bejeweled or whatever have you, you become good by spending lots of time practicing the game. Many common user goals involving doing lots of breedings or owning lots of pretty customs more or less involve art. Being a good artist is one of the ways to be “good at Aywas”. Aywas encourages you to practice your art skills to become better at Aywas.

  1. deershstagla reblogged this from aywasconfessions and added:
    Finally something that acknowledges a nice little fact. ~Art is more of a skill than a talent. ~Art is more of a skill...