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I’ve got this friend on Aywas. My best friend on Aywas. But I’m so sad to realise that she probably doesn’t think of me in a similar way despite what she says.

I see her getting thanked by everyone for doing nice things and giving gifts…

We talk nearly every day, she does come to me when she has problems. I give her gifts on her birthday (if I don’t forget), at random occasions when I run into something I know she’ll like. I sent her a care package with awesome stuff I went shopping for in town with just her birthday in mind.

In all the years we’ve known eachother I got an OCC once for christmas.

And even when I told myself I wouldn’t give her anything more until I see something back, I gave her something I could easily turn around for 150 GP. I regret that. But I knew she would love it.

I’m rich on Aywas. I don’t need charity. But damn it would be nice to receive a small thoughtful gift once in the years we’ve known eachother. And when I give you a BC that you show me the pair you went with. Or the babies you got back. Or a notice that you were gifting them away to another, apparently better friend. Or you know, giving them back instead would’ve been nicer. At least she didn’t sell them though.

I feel very much like I’m only good for giving expensive things and problem solving. And it kinda sucks.
But I’ll suck it up because I do value our friendship. It’s more than gifts of course. But after all this time it does kinda get to me since she does do this for others.