Mar 9, 2014/ 72 notes

mama’s manicotti

as a little girl, i used to love to make homemade manicotti shells and eat them right out of the pan with a little bit of butter. my mom used to call them italian pancakes + i could sit for hours at the stove helping her make the shells. now, many, many years later, this delicious recipe not only transports me back to my childhood, but it has become a staple in our household for sunday dinners.

cheese + parsley manicotti
cooking time: 1 hour
serves: 4

manicotti shells:
1 cup gluten free flour mix (like arrowmills)
1 ½ - 2 cups water
3 eggs
¼ tsp salt
butter or olive oil to grease pan

1 ½ cups ricotta cheese (purchase from an italian deli that makes it in-house or specialty market like whole foods)
½ cup shredded parmesan
1 egg
3 tbsp chopped parsley

16 ounces tomato sauce

to make shells:
1. mix flour, 1 ½ cups water, eggs, and salt together to make a thin, smooth batter. if batter is too thick, add in additional water
2. pour about ¼ cup batter into a heated, buttered small skillet. twirl skillet to make thin pancake. cook for about 3 - 5 mins on medium low. you can flip if you want, but the goal is to cook thru, but keep soft. make sure to not brown. this step can be made the day before + refrigerated

to make filling + manicotti:
1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. pour a little less than ½ of the tomato sauce into a baking dish, ensuring to cover the bottom well
3. combine cheeses, egg +parsley to make filling
4. spoon 3 tablespoons of filling down the center of each shell, then gently roll up and place open side down into baking dish. continue with rest of shells
4. pour remaining sauce over the top
5. cover with aluminum foil and bake for 20 mins. then remove foil and bake for another 10 - 15 mins
6. remove from oven + serve. you can garnish with parmesan or parsley if desired


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