
Blocked from Facebook: Day 2 of being censored


Facebook has decided to block me - they say for 72 hours but who knows?

Censorship, for a post comparing the coddling of the “Pumpkinfest” rioters with how the media treated #FergusonOctober.

You can help by tumbling this post forward and, if you don’t mind, going to the “mission statement” post I somehow got up in time:

It started because I had the gall to post this:


I’m going to take this negative and make a positive.  Find like minded people who think it’s ridiculous that I got blocked by the same site that constantly has pages that threaten the President and don’t pull that down because it doesn’t cross “community standards.”


You can also find me on twitter at Http:// because… I don’t know that I believe FB is going to ever unblock me.  And if they don’t, I don’t trust it to not happen again.

We’ll see.

In the meantime, I appreciate your help.

- Steve



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