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See this picture? This comes from a town in Canada where a 24 pack of water bottles is 104 dollars and formula milk for a baby is priced at 55 dollars a pack. What’s more, a pack of diapers is 95 dollars and one head of lettuce is 26 dollars. Inuit people are starving in a country known for it’s generosity.

If you don’t believe this is true, you can find more images like this here. This is the only grocery store these people have in their small towns, and many people are going hungry & elderly are dying faster.

You’ll send aid to foreign children that are starving, so why won’t you pay a little extra to feed the people in your own country who work hard & still can’t afford the prices for healthy food for their families?

Please have a heart and reblog this photo to raise awareness that even in our own countries people are starving, join the movement and show the government that we won’t sit by and watch people starve. 

If you think this will make your blog ugly you’re wrong. Children in a first world country are getting sick & starving, and nobody is even aware it’s happening. You can let people know by reblogging and showing you care. People I am close to, my friends and future in-laws are going through this. 

Love how little attention this post gets from my beach blog followers.

Ok I didn’t think this could possibly be for real, but I found a news source on the matter. This is insane.

YES, this is real.

the way the Canadian government treats the native people here is actually disgusting. The reserves sometimes have a lower life expectancy and the general living quality of third world countries. This isn’t common knowledge and it needs to be.

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via Genevieve Fairbanks
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