September 1, 2014
Hello my dear followers form US ( and all over the world),
I received this mail from Sonia, who is trying to sell skulls and bones from her father’s collection.
I’m really far from the US, but I’m glad to help her on...


Hello my dear followers form US ( and all over the world),

I received this mail from Sonia, who is trying to sell skulls and bones from her father’s collection.

I’m really far from the US, but I’m glad to help her on this.

Here her message

Hello i have some real human skulls and bones for sale i want to know if you are interested in buying them.

My father use to collect them and sell them to his contacts in USA and since his death we have not been in contact with his source.

We want to close down the store so if
you are interested let me know.


If you are interested, you can contact her at this mail address:

I’m sure she is available to ask all of your request and that all of you will be kind to her.



(via skullandbone)

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    Um… wouldn’t we need a lot more information about provenance and so forth to determine whether or not this is even...
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