Andrea Shettle's Tumblr

Justice in society and diverse representation in media.

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Georgia Police Kill Diabetic Black Man After Family Calls 911 Requesting Ambulance


A woman called 911 for an ambulance because she was worried that her 43-year-old fiance Jack Lamar Roberson was having complications with his diabetes. Instead, a police car showed up, and the officers walked inside and shot him four times. Roberson was unarmed and had his hands in the air when he was shot. His whole family - including his 8-year-old daughter - saw it happen.

Last year, the same county police force was responsible for the shooting of a 26-year-old unarmed black man. All officers are on administrative leave pending an investigation.

(via silversarcasm)

Filed under disability rights disabilitysolidarity blacklivesmatter

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