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Justice in society and diverse representation in media.

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lostgirllesbian asked: Oh my goodness, thank you so much for featuring me. I really just needed to get some of my emotions out about that day, but if it can help someone than I am glad of that.

The reason why I started collecting links to blog posts about why representation matters to other people (like your post) is because I found it so tremendously validating and empowering to realize that I wasn’t the only person who felt it was so important to see people like ourselves in the media.  So, yes, I think posts like yours can help other people realize that they’re not weird or over reacting or silly for being so emotional just because of something that happens in a TV show or a book.  It really is a thing that matters to so many of us.

Which is why there are so many entire blog sites these days about diverse representation in all kinds of media.