March 19, 2012
Tainted Piss


Piss all tainted

opaque like paint.

From the poet’s mouth

it runs into the faint.

Provocative passages

don’t define our fate.

So let it be said

but then forgotten

for God’s sake.

This is an artist after our own hearts. A visionary work, much like that which we post here on Under-appreciated literary geniuses. Now, mind you, not quite as visionary as our own work -we are, after all, at the forefront of our field- but still brilliant and genius nonetheless. Keep it up.

Yours in words,

The Future Literary Geniuses and Pulitzer/PEN Faulkner award winners of america


The Foster-Wallace Five

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    This is an artist after our own hearts. A visionary work, much like that which we post here on Under-appreciated...