the daily julie

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Today and every day, I am most thankful for this little life I live.
I am grateful for…
…a job that I enjoy going to and that I make enough money to live a life I love and give back to my community.
…a husband who I am so proud to call mine.
… the...

Today and every day, I am most thankful for this little life I live.

I am grateful for…

…a job that I enjoy going to and that I make enough money to live a life I love and give back to my community.

…a husband who I am so proud to call mine.

… the world’s sweetest dog even though he has the stinkiest farts.

… this little baby in my tummy who is half-baked (I’m 20 weeks today!).

… the roof over my head and the warmth my home provides for me, both literally and figuratively.

… the fact that I live in a country where we get to elect our leader and that I have the resources at my fingertips to communicate with virtually anyone I want to or to access any information I might need.

… the people that read my blog and this little community that has sprouted up on the internet.

… the pies (plural) I will eat later today.

… I guess I’m even sort of thankful for my braces. They suck, but my teefs are straightening out fo sho.

…Oh, I’m also really thankful that leggings are still an acceptable choice of attire to wear out of the house.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

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  1. thecooknook posted this