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“ “ Ravens Remember and Greet You Accordingly
When you go outside, do the birds sound happy or angry when they see you? New research has found that at least one group of birds, ravens, remembers prior interactions with...

reflagged from: lucifelle:

Ravens Remember and Greet You Accordingly

When you go outside, do the birds sound happy or angry when they see you? New research has found that at least one group of birds, ravens, remembers prior interactions with people and varies calls based on those earlier experiences.

So it’s not too far fetched to think that if you bothered a bird some time ago, the bird might unleash the avian version of swearing the next time you approach.

The research, published in Current Biology, adds to the growing body of evidence that birds remember the appearance and voices of individuals, along with their prior encounters with them. Last year we told you how crows don’t forget faces, for example.

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Crows used to follow me around in flocks when I lived in B.C. There were so many crows on that island…

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    So ravens are manifesting thought and memory, you might say. *cough*
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    Awh, come on. I need to give you some of my Scientific Illustrator spirit. You can fully blame me when all of the large...
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