April 26, 2011
DONUTS! brings the sugar high back to Public Works this Saturday (4/30).
Anyone who went to that last DONUTS! party will tell you how awesome it was. I know because I missed it, and then everyone rubbed it in my face. This time, nothing is going to...

DONUTS! brings the sugar high back to Public Works this Saturday (4/30).

Anyone who went to that last DONUTS! party will tell you how awesome it was. I know because I missed it, and then everyone rubbed it in my face. This time, nothing is going to stand in my way because my FOMO (fear of missing out) is kicking in fully.

This Saturday, DONUTS! comes back with Brooklyn’s Blondes. These two dudes (Sam Haar and Zach Steinman) make fun and housy electronic music. Their EP, Touched (Merok Records) blew them up last year. Since then, they’ve been touring with Simian Mobile Disco and the Juan Maclean. The new 12” Lover/Hate now out RVNG Intl. takes these guys to a different level (video below).

Also, be excited for San Francisco’s Wav Dwgs – one part Eat Tapes (Greg Zifcak) and one part Party Effects (Andre Ferreira), some call it “chill-rave” others call it “lo-fi house” – whatever it is, it’s fun. Ryan Merry’s Ghosts on Tape also play. DJs Pickpocket and Ash Williams will keep you moving.

Deets: Saturday, (4/30) in the upstairs loft of Public Works, 161 Erie St., $10//$5discount tix before 10PM, 21+, FB Page

- Pedro

Video: Blondes // Lover

<3 from Blondes on Vimeo.

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