October 12, 2011

Song: Fine Steps // “Tomorrow for All of Today”.

Back in May, the Fine Steps were recording some tracks at Tiny Telephone in San Francisco. I hadn’t seen some of these dudes in months since they’re pretty occupied with other bands: guitarist Kyle Hoover and bassist Alex Sowles also play in Ganglians, Dylan plays in GGreen, and front-man Julian Elorduy is the former drummer of the monster band known as The Mayyors. Yes, a Sacramento power group. The studio sessions took me back - I had no idea Alex could play bass! I’ve been describing it like this: “It’s as if The Mantles and Ganglians had a baritone voiced love child.” Hope you enjoy it, and look forward to some more amazing Fine Steps tracks - I’ve heard a few, they’re pretty dope!

- Pedro

Soundcloud goodness:

Fine Steps - Tomorrow for All of Today by Night Fog Reader

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