October 6, 2014


The Contest:

Create an earth sculpture in an area that you like to visit. All of the items must be of natural origin and found in the spot (i.e. You can’t bring outside objects in or purchase natural items for use).  Assemble the items in any manner that you so choose and photograph. Submit ONE photo to me along with any details that you wish to share. If you are unable to share via tumlbr, you may submit to botanicality13@gmail.com. 

On November 1, 2014, I will post all of the entries with the tag FALL EARTH SCULPTURE. Prizes will be awarded based upon the most likes and reblogs (only one per user). Prizes awarded: contest photos, seeds, and/or plant cuttings depending on interest drawn. If you are interested in sharing a prize for contest entrants, let me know!

By submitting their photo, contest entrant acknowledges their photo was taken using objects legally collected. They also give the right to print their photo for contest prizes and promotion, but they retain original copyright.


Tonight, I completed an assignment for a course that I am taking through Stephen F. Austin University, Connecting to Place. The assignment was to create an earth sculpture in the place that we have been visiting each week, our sit-spot. My place is my backyard: it is easily accessible, I spend time in it everyday, and I am in tune with the minutiae of everyday life there.

I have been thinking about my earth sculpture for several weeks, considering what elements from my garden I would include. I had been picturing it on a solid background - even white photocopy paper. I settled upon using a faded roll of manila craft paper, and set off to the back runway behind the house to collect some of the black Mexican beach pebbles. Then, I made the split decision to use one of the Oklahoma flagstone pavers to set the scene.

It includes: Oklahoma flagstone, Mexican beach pebbles, Opuntia engelmannii (Englemann’s prickly pear: dried cladodes and tuna), Cortaderia selloana (Pampas grass: plumes), Sedum kamtschaticum (Russian stonecrop: cutting), Leucophyllum frutescens (Texas sage: foliage), Lavandula species (Lavender: blooms), Bulbine frutescens (Orange bulbine: inflorescence), Hesperaloe parviflora (Texas red yucca: seed, seed coat, dried leaf), Salvia species (blooms), Sempervivum species (Hens and chicks: pups), Yucca pendula (Soft-leafed yucca: dried inflorescence), Mammillaria mystax (Nipple cactus fruit or chilitos), Lagerstroemia species (Crepe myrtle: shed bark), and Festuca species (Fescue grass: runner).

  1. landscapeislife reblogged this from cactguy
  2. cactguy reblogged this from cactguy and added:
    All submissions due by the end of Friday. Let’s see what you can do!
  3. thewildinside-blog reblogged this from fl0werfury
  4. fl0werfury reblogged this from aloevulpes
  5. mablemybabyyouwillalwaysbe reblogged this from cactguy
  6. aloevulpes reblogged this from cactguy
  7. kihaku-gato reblogged this from cactguy and added:
    As much as I’d love to join in the contest (I even have ideas with the materials I have around in one area) unless I get...
  8. periph-boy94 reblogged this from cactguy
  9. naviwing reblogged this from cactguy
  10. thecrazycorgilady reblogged this from sheepon
  11. sheepon reblogged this from cactguy and added:
    Challenge accepted.
  12. weedpullswoman reblogged this from cactguy and added:
    Fucking hell, I am not sculpturally inclined at all, but I’ll give it a whirl.
  13. seewhatdevinsees reblogged this from cactguy
  14. newhologram reblogged this from misocorny