The PR Closet

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This post will be short and sweet. Recently, I’ve had some conversations with candidates interested in becoming community mangers. When I have asked them details about the social platforms of the brands they want to work for, none of them even knew what the brands were doing in social media.

Three words of advice when it comes to interviews–ALWAYS BE PREPARED. And there is no such thing as being over prepared. I mean, when has that ever come back to hurt you? 

If you are going to manage social platforms and online communities in the role you are applying for, you better know all there is to know about those platforms, what the brand is doing on those platforms, any recent contests/campaigns/chats/posts/tweets, etc they have executed/launched/posted, etc. If you are not familiar, how do you expect that you’ll get the job?

So moral of the story is that when interviewing, know all there is to know and more. And then even more than that. Cause if you show no interest in becoming overly familiar with the brand, the brand will not be interested in hiring you.

That is all.


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