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How true is the fact that fashion PR is very cut-throat? I'm currently studying PR at Quinnipiac University and a senior PR major told me that you need to have a certain type of personality to handle the fashion PR industry... How bad is it?

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Fashion PR gets a bad rap, but it really all depends on where you work and who you work for. Overall, the fashion industry is very cut throat in that it is competitive and there are so many people who want to break into the industry. I do think you need thick skin to do well in fashion PR, and you cannot have too much of an ego because you will be asked to do things you don’t want to do in the beginning, like schlep garment bags of samples to and from magazines and shoots. However, none of that hard work should deter you from pursuing PR as a career. You don’t necessarily have to work in fashion PR, or you can work on various fashion accounts while also working on lifestyle, beauty, entertainment, etc at an agency that reps various clients that span different industries. I always say that you need to see for yourself–as in, get an internship and work in the position before you make a snap judgement solely based on what other people say. Remember that everyone has their own experiences, which may or may not be similar to what you will take away from it. And, quite frankly, there isn’t a job out there that I know of that doesn’t have it’s bad days… 

Best of luck to you!