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Multiple theriotyped people confuse me. If Otherkinism is caused by a soul dropping into the wrong body during reincarnation, how can one have two theriotypes? Two souls?

If you’ve had multiple lives as something nonhuman, you may identify with more than one of them. It’s not so much “soul in wrong body” stuff as “I’ve lived a lives as a cat, butterfly, and raccoon and still feel strongly connected with them”

To me it’s similar to soul faceting, wherein you have several different versions/types of the same core ‘soul’ within one ‘individual’, and they can all be extremely different. For instance I know around 6 main ‘facets’ of myself by name. It’s not even strange to have more than that, so multiple theriotypes isn’t a stretch in my experience.

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  6. roguesareth reblogged this from duskenpath and added:
    Nice XD
  7. duskenpath reblogged this from roguesareth and added:
    Lmao same here. Woooo. (Mythical kin x 2)
  8. justcallmewalker reblogged this from duskenpath and added:
    And then I’m a shape/face changer. I’ve got three main forms that I identify most with. Well, four, depending on the...