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Bradford College. Haverhill, Massachusetts.

These photos were taken at Bradford college which was founded in 1803. Its is rated as one of the top 10 most haunted campuses in america. Granted since we were not students we attending the college could not travel inside the buildings. However I got some of my most compelling evidence outside. In the first picture there were two orbs that promoted me to take the next picture. The second picture has a mist right in the center in the picture. A mist is the next stage an apparition can form into. This is most people think about when they hear the word ghost. A misty white apparition that takes on the shape of a human. And if you look at this orb you can see a part of a head, shoulders, and prominent hips. There are also several orbs in the picture.

For more information on this haunted college I found this article:

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