January 9, 2012
Rob Liefeld pages from Wizard

When coming up with a gesture, I don’t use any reference, but once it comes time to finish the drawing, well, I’ll look at everything from Victoria’s Secret catalogs to Maxim to my shapely wife for input.

I’m reblogging this as a link, because I honestly don’t want those horrendous drawings on my tumblr. But the above is a quote from Rob Liefeld about his method, and it explains a lot! He uses references at the end instead of at the beginning? And his references material ranges from Victoria’s Secret to Maxim?

That really speaks for itself. But click through for images and brief commentary from eschergirls and others.

(via eschergirls)

6:58am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZS1_yxEVfNyh
Filed under: Rob Liefeld comics 
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