February 11, 2014
“ Marcel Breuer (American, b. Hungary, 1902-1981) with textile by Gunta Stölzl (German, 1897-1983).”African” or “Romantic” Chair, 1921. Oak and cherrywood painted with water-soluble color, and brocade. 70 5/8 x 25 9/16 x 26 7/16 in. (179.4...


Marcel Breuer (American, b. Hungary, 1902-1981) with textile by Gunta Stölzl (German, 1897-1983).”African” or “Romantic” Chair, 1921. Oak and cherrywood painted with water-soluble color, and brocade. 70 5/8 x 25 9/16 x 26 7/16 in. (179.4 x 65 x 67.1 cm).

(via lormiguel)

9:53am  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZSG7Uy175Pw3m
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