April 22, 2014
“ 1920’s, Japan. “The maiko [apprentice geisha] and geiko [geisha] have two sets of ceremonial crested kimono one for winter, the other for summer… The maiko’s kimono, which is of winter weight, plus all its accessories, weighs...


1920’s, Japan.  “The maiko [apprentice geisha] and geiko [geisha] have two sets of ceremonial crested kimono one for winter, the other for summer… The maiko’s kimono, which is of winter weight, plus all its accessories, weighs almost twenty kilograms [forty-four pounds], which may be half what she weighs herself, not surprisingly, it takes some time to get accustomed to it.”.  From “Geisha: a living tradition” by Kyoko Aihara, first published 1999, pages 63 & 66.  This type of fully-patterned formal kimono is normally associated with a Ryurei-style Tea Ceremony.  Image and text via Blue Ruin 1 on Flickr

(Source: Flickr / blue_ruin_1, via oriental1st-deactivated20200316)

10:19pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZSG7Uy1DrhSv0
Filed under: maiko 
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