September 25, 2014
“ Portrait of an elderly man
Portrait is made on sycomore wood. Material used is tempera. The man is flanked by Egyptian gods; on the right the god Horus and on the left the goddess Hathor. 38 cm high and 22.4cm wide ( 14 15/16 x 8...


Portrait of an elderly man 

Portrait is made on sycomore wood. Material used is tempera. The man is flanked by Egyptian gods; on the right the god Horus and on the left the goddess Hathor. 38 cm high and 22.4cm wide ( 14 15/16 x 8 13/16 inch.) 

Egyptian, made in the Roman Period, around 250 AD. 

Source: Metropolitan Museum

(via fishstickmonkey)

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Filed under: Egypt 
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