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GRIEF…it gets easier…I PROMISE YOU!

Getting over something or someone is a process. It takes time, it takes having grace for yourself when going through really difficult situations. I think it is also very important to acknowledge what God is trying to teach you when going through trials and tribulations. These past few months there has been quite a bit I have been learning about dealing and healing from being hurt. I, however, unusual to me, for whatever reason am unable to process in a paragraph type form, and although I am still struggling like MAJOR to do all of the following things listed below, they are just some of the things I am learning when it comes to “grieving” relationships, aka “ugh…sucks, sucks, sucks, I hate this” times. Maybe you can relate:

1) Don’t take the way another person deals with grief personally. Yeah it may have something to do with you, but doesn’t mean that person hates you. They may just not know how to treat you cordially. I mean maybe they are just an ass, but I prefer seeing the best in people and figure more often than not they are just hurt and deal with their hurt differently.

2) It takes conscious effort to STOP THINKING SO MUCH about the should’ve, could’ve, would’ve scenarios. Let those thoughts go NOW, then let them go a few seconds, minutes, hours and days later when they come up, because boy will they come up again and again. 

3) Have grace for yourself and be kind to yourself. Thinking about the could’ve, should’ve, or would’ve is a mere sign that you cared. That’s awesome! Each day you will have to let go and let God, but in time you’ll realize your thoughts don’t wander as far as they used to and there is peace.

4) Quit with the constant chatter…yeah it was great to talk to everyone and anyone about your heartache when it happened but at the same time, I’m learning you never should be talking to people more than you’re talking to God. Practice telling Him what your thinking. This also helps prevent rumors from starting. I’ll admit, I am a verbal processor and talk a lot, but I’m learning sometimes the best remedy to moving on is…shutting up. Or at least talking to a few trustworthy people. This point is definitely not my strong suit. 

5) Talking to the person who broke your heart or hurt you doesn’t help. You may think, “If I can just say this to him or her I’ll feel better”. Umm…sorry, but no you won’t. One more conversation will not help you most of the time. It will leave you with more questions and less answers. Use wisdom before sparking a conversation and make sure if you’re going to talk…you’ve really thought out what you want to say, and that you can say it with love. 

6) Yeah maybe they still like you, love you, shoot and maybe none of the above. Maybe they have moved on. Sadly, it doesn’t matter. If you were supposed to be with them today or yesterday…you would have been, and if you’re supposed to be with them 5 years from now, you will be.


7) Having faith doesn’t mean putting your trust in a situation going the way you want it too, unless God told you exactly how it would go, so let go of anything apart from His will. In fact, true faith is putting your trust in God and His word. Trusting IN HIM that no matter what happens, he’s in control. Not in believing that the situation will happen this way or that way. Well what if it doesn’t? Ask yourself who your faith is in. If your hope is in the mountain and the mountain crumbles, then you’ll crumble with it. Yet, if your hope is in God and the mountain crumbles…well God is still sovereign and well capable of building a new mountain. He can’t crumble and will NEVER crumble.

8) You’re beautiful, handsome, awesome, great. Sad, angry, frustrated, bitter…just depends on the day. Those who matter don’t mind and those who don’t matter will mind. Be kind to everyone to the best of your abilities, but who doesn’t wear their emotions on their sleeves when going through a tough time. Have grace for yourself and hopefully others will too. If they don’t, whatever…sounds harsh but better you grieve now than spend years grieving because you’re afraid of offending people.

9) Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Find ways to express yourself or surround yourself with positive thoughts, words and people. Watch positive videos, read positive books yet understand there is no formula too grief. Doing this or that plus this or that will not always equal a whole and healed heart. Again…have grace for yourself and be okay with needing time. Don’t base how you grieve off of what others say or fill your heart with things that make you hope in the wrong things.

10) Do what makes you happy, but do it for yourself and not for the approval of others. Trust me, this has been super tough for me. However, it’s a day to day process…just see #2. 

11) Love God.

12) Love yourself.

13) Love others.

14) Love your life.

15) Live your life.


16) Repeat.

Just some of the lessons I am learning this season of life. I’ll admit I don’t like a lot of these lessons because in my perfect little head, I would be conquering the world no grief in sight with a companion by my side, but I’m definitely riding solo. None the less, hope it helps you in some way.

Embrace the grieving process. Jump into the waves and ride them out. However, be sure to bring Jesus in for the ride. I guarantee that those salty and tumultuous waves will somehow and oddly cleanse you. If He brought you to it, He will bring you through it. 

May you find cleansing waters in life’s most tumultuous waves.

Much love,
