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“ iamthedukeofurl:
“ Toph as a mother would be somewhat terrifying.
Lin tries to sneak out of the house without doing her chores, suddenly a voice bellows from across the house “I DIDN’T FEEL YOU CLEANING YOUR ROOM!”
Lin gets back...



Toph as a mother would be somewhat terrifying.

Lin tries to sneak out of the house without doing her chores, suddenly a voice bellows from across the house “I DIDN’T FEEL YOU CLEANING YOUR ROOM!”

Lin gets back from school with a report card “Tell me what you got in History” “…B+?” “You’re lying” *Metalbends a megaphone* “HEY TWIKLETOES! FLY OVER HERE AND READ THIS REPORT CARD FOR ME!”

Lin is learning earthbending ” Mom…my room dosn’t have any walls” “I know, I got rid of them. You have until tonight to make new ones, remember your stance!”


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