October 14, 2014
“One of the best infographics of the past year, an ingenious visual depiction of world population statistics without percentages. Designer Jack Hagley explains:
“ When I was a boy in the ’90s, my mother had a printout of a chain email...


One of the best infographics of the past year, an ingenious visual depiction of world population statistics without percentages. Designer Jack Hagley explains:

When I was a boy in the ’90s, my mother had a printout of a chain email pinned to the wall in our kitchen. It was called ‘The World as 100 People,’ and it was just a simple list. I never forgot it because it was a simple but clever idea—a child could understand it without knowing the concept of percentages. One day, I didn’t have any other work to do and I was sitting in my studio. The idea and the method came to me very quickly. I knew that I wanted to make it round, like the world. I wanted to use colors that might remind people of flags. I made the first draft in the morning and it was on the Internet by the afternoon.

More stellar examples here.

(via explore-blog)

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