Wed. Apr 23, 2014. 12:34 AMvia / original176 notes

“I’m not a turnkey here, Miss Starling. I don’t come running down here at night just to let people in and out. I had a ticket to Holiday on Ice.”

[Chilton] realized he’d said a ticket. In that instant, Starling saw his life, and he knew it.

She saw his bleak refrigerator, the crumbs on the TV tray where he ate alone, the still piles his things stayed in for months until he moved them - she felt the ache of his whole yellow-smiling Sen-Sen lonesome life - and switchblade-quick she knew not to spare him, not to talk or look away. She stared into his face, and with the smallest tilt of her head, she gave him her good looks and bored her knowledge in, speared him with it, knowing he couldn’t stand for the conversation to go on.”


Thomas Harris’ Silence of the Lambs — the full quote of the only scene where we see just how godawfully lonely Chilton is (via iwouldlovetoeatyourtoast)

Cruel that he’s gone…I miss him already.  

(via jessahmewren)

See, I don’t think he’s gone at all

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Yasmine, 34, Brazilian, she/her, Producer, Dreamer, Extreme Fangirl. I watch more than 60 series at the same time and dream of producing my own. Obsessed with (but not exclusively) The West Wing, Richard Schiff, Allison Janney, Raúl Esparza, Hannibal, Chernobyl (HBO), Good Omens, ASoIaF, Harry Potter, Alan Rickman, Robert Carlyle, Tony Head, Mads Mikkelsen, Aidan Gillen, Tom Hiddleston, Bryan Fuller, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Opera, Musicals, Theatre, Eddie Izzard, British Comedy Quiz Shows, David Mitchell, Top Gear, Richard Ayoade and many, many things.

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