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Herb Garden

Today I got started on my Herb Garden. I was excited this year that my Sweet Mint, Rosemary, and Thyme all came back from last season. Fresh herbs are some of my absolute favorites and something I consider a necessity for all the cooking I do. Not only are the herbs useful but they also make my deck look beautiful.

Please don’t mind the dirty deck, I’ve yet to get out the pressure washer this year. 





And here is my tiny pecan tree! A neighbor found this pecan that had sprouted and taken root so I decided to plant and tend it. I’m hoping it will take and we can have this small memory of this house and this wonderful street that used to be a pecan farm. 


     Something that is useful to know, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon Balm, Clove, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lavender, Catnip, & Citronella Grass are all mosquito deterrents and that is MUCH needed in Mississippi. 

     I still have a bit of work to do on my herb garden but I think it’s coming along nicely right now. How is everyone else’s Herb Garden growing? 

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