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Hi! I just started researching leangains and was wondering how you were liking it?

I really like it because of its simplicity. The first thing I noticed is that there’s less cooking and cleaning involved. I used to lug around tupperware of food and snacks to keep myself from going hungry, but in reality I was never satisfied because the snacks were never filling. After a while I got accustomed to eating 2 or 3 meals a day and I’m always stuffed. I definitely recommend giving it a try. 

There are lots of “guides” to set you up depending on your goals, but in the end it’s totally up to what you feel suits you the best. There’s no need to complicate things by following a strict schedule. Go by what comes natural to you.

For example, as a college student, my day-to-day schedule is constantly changing. So, some days I go exactly 16 hours and others (like today) up to 20. I do get a bit ravenous on the 20 hour days, so I recommend sticking to something consistent if you can.

I’m sure you’ve already checked out the Leangains guide but here are additional resources that may prove useful:

  1. Leangains Guide
  2. Andrew Morgan’s ( Guide
  3. /r/LeanGains FAQ
  4. TheSpartanWarrior - sidebar is a great place to start
  5. JCDFitness' article on IF
  6. A view into Nia Shanks’ daily nutrition
  7. Precision Nutrition’s IF eBook
  8. Fitocracy forum thread on IF
  9. IF Calculator - use this as a general guideline and then adjust depending on results
Let me know if you have any other questions. :)