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the newbie: I Need to Sleep Train Myself


By Melissa Walker, who can also be found blogging at melissacwalker.com

I’m a night owl, always have been. Even in elementary school, I begged to stay up for late night talk shows. I liked to remain tucked in bed until after most of the Saturday morning cartoons were over, much to the chagrin of my sleepover friends. I was late to bed, late to rise! I would make a terrible farmer.

And now that I have a baby, this must change. I’ve made it through nearly 10 months of June’s life feeling sleep-deprived daily. Why? I still stay up until midnight, but now—instead of an 8am wakeup—we’re up at 6.

I know that some go-getters and CEOs and athletes and other super-driven types say that they don’t need much sleep, but let me make this clear: That is not the case for me. I need eight hours, preferably nine. Six is not in the realm of acceptable.

I thought that when I had a baby, my schedule would adjust. I’d fall asleep earlier and become one of those chipper, up-with-the-sun types. And yet… I can’t seem to put myself to bed at night. June doesn’t need sleep training—I do!

I’d love to hear any advice about how to shift my internal clock a bit. Are there any night-owls-turned-morning-birds out there?
