Go Against the Grid and Be Iconic, Like Flo Jo, NaturallyNaija, Motivation, Willpower, Behavior

Last night while revising my cousins first official freshman essay, I had a strong urge to research Flo Jo. While, track and field had absolutely nothing to do with her essay, my childhood randomly flashed before my eyes. Why am I not a track star? Out of all of my family members, I was (and still am) the rebellious one. My goals were straight off the unbeaten path and unfortunately sometimes those dreams got a little stifled. Since I could remember, I wanted to compete in the Olympic Games. I just KNEW I was going to be on the track dusting chicks in the 400, I even had the Beijing 2008 Olympic promos plastered all over my room, dropped into every conversation and ingrained in everyones brains that I was going to run…until fear got the best of me and I decided that I wasn’t about that life. 

I’m going to sound super cliché  and maybe like a bunch of my previous posts but, we can’t sit here and let fear get the best of us because honestly, what the hell is fear? Like, seriously? Why do we allow ourselves to be afraid of the unknown when it comes to accomplishing our dreams but yet, we’re never afraid to hop in the car and clock that 9AM-5PM, 8AM-4:30PM, or 11PM- 8AM everyday? What if you get in an accident? The building collapses on you? T-Rex makes a guest appearance in the break room and eats you alive? What happens then? […never thought about that, did you?]

Go Against the Grid and Be Iconic, Like Flo Jo, NaturallyNaija, Motivation, Willpower, Behavior

…back to Flo Jo. She understood the tools needed to accomplish her goal: MOTIVATION for change, BEHAVIOR monitoring, and WILLPOWER. Willpower being the most critical step in achieving that outcome.

In order to get things going, we have to write ourselves motivation statements. The same statements you’d write in a cover letter for that dream job or that essay for the MBA admission to your dream school, write it for you life. After your motivation is complete, make an extra effort to change your behavior. You can’t have faith in your motivation if your attitude doesn’t match. Last but not least, step your willpower game up! You’ve written that statement, made an effort to change your behavior, now all that is left is to commit to it and never stop until it’s completed. 

This post may or may not sound like a giant brain dump […because that’s exactly what it is] but, I’m tired of y'all and by y'all I mean me. I’m somewhat fearless and can do a million and one things but, this whole being afraid to do the one thing that is the most important to me makes absolutely no sense, at all. 

There can never be another you so, make the most out of what you have now, strike while the iron is hot + let’s get to it! 

Let me go get my life real quick. 


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