October 19, 2014
“From Teen Wolf News:
Teen Wolf Writers Working on Season 5
While it’s still several weeks before cameras are expected to roll on Teen Wolf Season 5, the show’s writing staff is already hard at work “breaking” the storylines for the 20...


From Teen Wolf News:

Teen Wolf Writers Working on Season 5

While it’s still several weeks before cameras are expected to roll on Teen Wolf Season 5, the show’s writing staff is already hard at work “breaking” the storylines for the 20 new episodes.

“Our Writers’ Room is made up of about six writers,” Executive Producer Jeff Davis explains. “Much of our day is spent brainstorming various ideas. Usually we start with character. What does each character want? What do they need? Where’s the greatest conflict?”

Part of this character-centric method is meeting with cast members early in the process to discuss what’s to come. Linden Ashby (Sheriff Stilinski) met with writers on Thursday to talk Season 5. He shared part of the discussi…

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