Aziz Ansari It's Like Pushing a Building Off a Cliff - Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee by Jerry Seinfeld

didn’t know this episode was up until now. It’s not a good one like some of the handful of others I’ve seen (Chris Rock; Louis; Patton).
Jerry Seinfeld/Aziz have coffee in my town (Shrewsbury). They start out at the very, very edge of Worcester (Chuck-E-Cheese) and then go into Shrewsbury. It’s this very beaten down side of town. The video captures its ugliness and dreariness pretty well. Driving down that road and being around it feels like swallowing a pack of cigarettes. That’s a weird simile but I stand by it. It’s just a really weird location to choose, but I guess Jerry just wanted to be able t drive a truck/bus and be somewhere near a truck stop diner, one that nobody I know in my town has ever gone to.

The one comedian from my town is getting big: Mike Birbiglia. So that’s cool.