If there is no higher cause than my happiness than there is no higher cause to deny my happiness for. If there is no higher cause than my joy than there is nothing for me to die for, there is nothing for me to live for, and there is nothing for me to have a mission for. As a result your not making a difference in the world because you have nothing higher to live for than your own personal comfort… And here’s the irony, by exaggerating our significance we’ve lost our significance. We no longer count, we no longer make a dent, we no longer make an impact. By raising our needs to their highest level, more important than any other covenant, or commitment, or cause, or transcendent eternal truth, we no longer have anything to sacrifice for. When we bought into the lie ‘my needs first‘ we gained our freedom and lost our joy… because we lost our mission (John 17).

Tim Keller


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