April 21, 2014

kaseyinchina asked: Hi, I'm going to be a part of the China 20s coming in June. I was wondering if Tumblr works in China without a VPN. I want to keep a blog a China but I don't want to pay for a VPN. Thanks for the help!

Hey hey, congrats! I’m so excited for you!!

Tumblr works without a VPN, which is actually why I initially chose it! I use the Tumblr app on my iPod and never have trouble.

FYI, these sites are non-accessible without a VPN:


If you have an iPod, consider downloading OpenDoor. It’s a free app that will (sometimes) allow you access to these sites, but s-l-o-w-l-y…

Once you’re in China, you won’t be able to download it, so do it before you go!

Happy trails, you’re in for such an awesome adventure! So many wonderful improvements and expansions for China volunteers in the future!

  1. kaseyinchina said: Thanks for the advice! This was really helpful
  2. asiamericana posted this
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