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“ I’m getting pretty sick and tired of seeing comments like this on my pictures.
Look. I know I cosplay a super sexualized character. I accept that. I love Moxxi and everything she is. I don’t pretend like my boobs AREN’T in your face in...


I’m getting pretty sick and tired of seeing comments like this on my pictures.
Look. I know I cosplay a super sexualized character. I accept that. I love Moxxi and everything she is. I don’t pretend like my boobs AREN’T in your face in this cosplay, because they sure as hell are. That’s who Moxxi IS.
If you said that to Moxxi you’d get one of two things depending on her mood. A few rounds from Rubi or a hefty price tag you couldn’t hope to achieve even after weeks of looting.
Try as I might, I’m NOT Moxxi. I’m a real life human being on Earth. Not Pandora. Not Elpis. I’m not a doll or a pair of boobs. I can’t blast you out of my sight with my favorite corrosive pistol, but I CAN get out the banhammer and paste your name/username everywhere for the world to see what a disgusting creep you are.
This is not a compliment. This is harassment. This is disgusting. This is not how you treat anybody, cosplay or not.
And I will not tolerate it.
#cosplay #costume #madmoxxi #creeps #rude #harassment

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