October 17, 2014

baniwi replied to your text post:

UBER 4 LIFe. I might get a bit over enthused but I’m a huge fan. Especially cause if you do happen to have a bad ride their customer service is great and will refund you.


I didn’t know about that! That’s awesome.

The guy driving me this morning refused to speak to me at all or acknowledge anything I said, so I had no idea if he’d heard me when I gave directions, etc. For the first five minutes I thought he might be deaf (are deaf people allowed to drive cabs? Probably not, but who knows?)

I ended up jumping out of the cab and running the last three blocks because he slowed down for every yellow light (WTF does that in NYC?).

Ever since Uber started, all of the yellow taxis have started driving really slowly, like the extra dollar for dawdling is going to add up over the day. I would pay them two extra dollars if they’d stop doing that and get me there faster than I can walk it.


Side note: I can’t think of uber without hearing Micky Milkovich’s voice in my head saying ‘yeah, I called the yuber’, slightly mispronouncing the name, because he was stealing somebody’s cab and had no idea what an uber was. Guess thugs from the south side don’t take private cabs.