I recently took a trip to Madrid, España and was a nervous wreck. Happy as hell, but I could not have put together a better living situation, meaning i.e. roommates and the apartment itself. It is roomy, and very tranquil, except for the 7 a.m. construction going on next door! But before I got here, I have to post what happened before I got here, and then I will continue my journey with you as I begin to post images of Spain itself. I believe first to come will be Salamanca, a supposedly beautiful ancient city outside of Madrid. The lifestyle here is wonderful and getting use to it isn’t going to be a problem. With cervesas only 1 euro, and menu del dias that are paid for by my school, to the supermarket where the freshest fish and fruit. I think the next four months are going to be great! I am only missing one thing…

My apartment is by SUMC (Suffolk University Madrid Campus) and the faculty is as good as Boston. If you feel the urge to come visit, my address is: 

C/ Beatriz de Bobadilla, 9  , Escalera B, 5º A
28040  MADRID
Yo I gotta say Hola!