
This article just rode its tall bike straight into my post-post-ironic heart.

From the article:

I know you. You’re a male between, what, 18 and 35? Probably well educated but slightly underachieving, kind of nerdy in an ironic-so-it’s-okay kinda way, and a huge fan of independent rock music. And if you’re like most people in this demographic, it’s always been a dream of yours to be in a band. Not just any old local band that stinks up basements and the occasional opening slot at the student union or some dump in the warehouse district. But a real band-one that tours and draws crowds and gets interviewed and written about and inspires people as much as you’ve been inspired by your punk rock heroes.

Well, gather around, kids, ‘cause Uncle Pat’s gonna disillusion your ass.

Bluntly put, being in a working band is one of the most overrated experiences a person can have. Sure, there are some advantages, if you manage to pull it off. You get to travel a bit, meet new people, be creative, and postpone that vaunted institution known as reality for another few years. It all looks so enticing that, surely, it must be a lifestyle worth pursuing, right? Ninety-nine percent of the time, definitely not. In fact, I aim to persuade you that you’re better off just going straight to graduate school or getting your career on track and remaining an honest, ordinary music fan with no pretensions of rockstardom.

Here’s a breakdown of the whole being-in-a-band thing that should illustrate what a load of rubbish it is. Best wishes.


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My name is Matt Marque. I make music for Truckstop Records. I live in Chicago.



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