High-res Color-shift in Gowanus Couronne rinds over 11 days. On the left is a couronne from the 08/20 Batch, and on the right is a wheel from the 08/09 batch. Naturally occurring B.Linens (ie I’m not adding them as part of the culture blend during the make,...

Color-shift in Gowanus Couronne rinds over 11 days. On the left is a couronne from the 08/20 Batch, and on the right is a wheel from the 08/09 batch. Naturally occurring B.Linens (ie I’m not adding them as part of the culture blend during the make, but rather they are ambient in the aging space) seem to be responsible for the rosy glow which they develop over time. This was a cow’s milk, thermalized version.

(thermalized means the raw milk is briefly heated at below-pasteurization temps, to knock down the native cultures a bit but without wiping them out, allowing for more control.)

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